Image Sizes
We recommend you upload the images in the below recommended pixels, Fabyoh is inbuilt with image optimization, and all images that are being uploaded via the admin panel are automatically converted to webp format for better performance.
Hero (Large): 1400 x 525 px (16:6 aspect ratio)
Hero (Small): 600 x 750 px (4:5 aspect ratio)
Sub Hero: 500 x 350 px (5:3.5 aspect ratio)
Product: 660 x 770 px (3:3.5 aspect ratio)
Shop By Category: 660 x 770 px (3:3.5 aspect ratio)
Risk Reducers: 512 x 512 px (1:1 aspect ratio)
Spotlight: 1400 x 525 px (16:6 aspect ratio)
Logo Size: 250 x 60px
Favicon: 32 x 32px
Last updated